Broad City is one of those shows that you either love or hate. If you're like me and you love Broad City, you know how funny, daring, and smart the show is. One of the main reasons I like the show so much is that it's not your typical comedy show. I love that Abbi and Ilana are relatable and they've always got either other's back no matter what. So, what better to way to start or end the day than with some of the best (and safer) quotes on life and everything in between courtesy of the ladies of Broad City!
Snapshot Survey
1. Binge Watching Shows
Source: Broad City GIF - Find
There's nothing quite like an evening of watching 6 straight seasons of your new favorite show after a rough day.
2. Pizza is Life
Source: Pizza GIF - Find &
I think we can all relate to this feeling.
3. Eyebrow Game Strong
Source: Bustle on Instagram: “The key
A beauty lesson we all learn.
4. Hair Removal
Source: 18 Funny TV and Movie
Me every winter.
5. Movies
Source: From The Midwest — tvmonsters
They don't have to make sense to be good.
6. Are You Sure?
Source: Carpe Dayumm - Broad City
7. Why?
Source: Community Post: If "Broad City"
You're not bossy, you're the boss.
8. Money Management
Source: 18 Funny TV and Movie
Taking care of business!
9. Respect
Source: Sign up Tumblr
That's cool.
10. Work
Source: Community Post: 14 Times You
Sounds about right.
11. Work Again
Source: Broad City (2014– )
I got 8 emails today!
12. And Work Some More
Source: film / television
It was over before you knew it.
13. How to Adult
Source: Community Post: 14 Times You
Do you watch Broad City? Do you have a favorite quote from the show?
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