Back in the '90s, when we just knew the hashtag as the pound sign on our sad old landlines, we did not have hashtags. We had AOL and AIM, y'all, we didn't need them. It's a shame we didn't, though, because viral things kind of happened in the '90s, too. We just didn't have sophisticated social media platforms on which to share. Very sad, right? If hashtags had been a thing back then, I like to think we would've used these all the time …
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1. #WhoLovesOrangeSoda
KEL LOVES ORANGE SODA! I live for the day there's a Keenan & Kel reboot. This hashtag will be everywhere.
2. #PartyOnGarth
Party on, Wayne!
Frequently asked questions
3. #beaniebabymadness
Followed quickly by #omgWhyDidISpendMoneyOnThisWorthlessShit, I imagine. #BadFad #BinsFullofBeanieBabies
4. #grunge
This would have been the perfect tag for all the #OOTD snaps featuring flannel.
5. #Whatever or #asif
Thank you, Clueless! The entire script of Clueless probably would've made it into hashtag form.
6. #talktothehand
'Cause the face just don't understand.
7. #howrude
Theoretically, this could come back now. “Fuller House” and all, you know.
8. #RIPKurt
Oh, Kurt. We do miss you.
9. #Istandwithlewinsky
Wow. If the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal occurred today, it would be so different. So very, very different.
10. #Y2K
Hahaha! HAHAHAHA! We were so scared!
11. #Snick
12. #RIPBiggie
Biggie, Biggie, Biggie, we miss you, too.
13. #SPICE
Why were the Spice Girls so huge? Why were we so crazy about them?
14. #Teamross
Unless you weren't #TeamRoss, of course. I still have not decided if I'm on Ross's team or not.
15. #Rachelshaircut
Tagged, of course, as you received the Rachel. And again later, when you lamented getting the cut in the first place.
16. #Tamagotchi
Or, conversely, #RIPTamagotchi when you killed it.
17. #pogs
We probably would have come up with some way to play with them over social media.
18. #killedkenny
19. #mmmbop
I just did this one for Heather. Because she still loves Hanson.
#ILoveThe90s – how about you?
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