7 Jobs You Should Consider after Graduation ...


It’s scary to think about leaving school and entering the real world, but there are jobs you should consider once you graduate. Everyone warns us about how difficult it is to find a job and how high the unemployment rate is, but there's really no need to worry about how you'll make money. Here are some jobs you should consider that'll make you a fortune:

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1. Police Officer

Think about all of the perks to being a police officer. You can find reasons to arrest all of the people that made fun of you in high school. You can put on the flashing lights to avoid traffic whenever you’d like. You could even bring some handcuffs home to use with your boyfriend. There’s absolutely no downside. So if you’re in need of some cash, this is one of the jobs you should consider. What could go wrong?

2. Chef

You’re a woman, so you won’t even need to hand in a resume. They’ll just automatically assume that you’re excellent at cooking. Once you get the job, throw random stuff onto the oven, and eat everything that turns out all right. The burnt stuff can get tossed to the customers. If they wanted good food, they should’ve read the restaurant reviews online and went somewhere else. So basically it’s their own fault that they’re getting ripped off.

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3. Party Planner

Leaving school doesn’t mean that you have to leave your party lifestyle behind. You can become a party planner and set up the biggest raves in town. Even if the hostess doesn’t expect you to show up, you have to attend to make sure everything is going well. If it isn’t, you can start singing, dancing, and help the party get started. You’re basically getting paid to have fun.

4. Zoo Keeper

How much do you love petting puppies? Now times that number by ten. That’s how much fun it would be to pet... wait for it... a lion. You’d get paid to play with your new furry friends all day. You wouldn’t have to associate with humans any longer, and deal with all of their ridiculous emotions and ridicule. Instead, you’ll be stuck in a pen with your animal brethren.

5. Bartender

Flirt with customers and pretend to care about them, and you’ll get rewarded with tons of tips. Even if you’re against the consumption of alcohol, why not apply? You could lecture the customers on the dangers of drinking. You might not get any tips, but they’ll thank you in the long run.

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6. Critic

Critics get to review movies and books for a living. Think about it: instead of paying to see a film, you’ll get paid to watch it. You’re constantly criticizing things anyway, so you might as well get paid for it instead of getting yelled at for it.

7. Actress

I mean, how hard could it be? Once you hit it big, you’ll get to make out with Aaron Paul for a living, go to the Oscars, and do your own stunts. There’s really no better job. Everyone should try their hand at acting.

As difficult as finding a good job is, you'll be able to do it with a little effort. What job do you have or do you aim to have once you're older?

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Also, I forgot to mention being an actress...it is NOT as easy as it sounds in this article! If you live in a small town, you better move unless you want to work in a community theater for free all your life. And once you go to a big city, you're going to be auditioning with thousands of other people..so chances are you won't get the part(especially if you've never acted and are terrible). And then, even when you finally get a part, you're going to have to be able to memorize lines, deal with directors, kiss people you barely know, pretend to be dead..the list goes on and on. Once you're done filming, you'll have to go to interviews and such too. The acting world is not easy. You don't just go to LA and audition for a part as some celebrity actor/actress's girlfriend and get it. And then hang out with Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo DiCaprio and Emma Watson. It doesn't work like that. Having high goals is great, but know that jobs won't always meet your expectations.

Okay. Sorry for my ranting. I didn't know this article was in the funny section! I thought it was being serious!! Sorry, Holly Riordan!!!!!!

I'm loving these funny articles

Also. Cabin crew..

Cabin crew is one of the hardest jobs to get into actually!!!

.....If it wasn't All Women Stalk, which usually seems pretty legitimate, I'd think this was a joke article! Sorry, I'm not trying to be rude. I'm sure the writer tried..but the chef thing?! First of all that's sexist, secondly, being a chef is a real job. You can't just have no schooling and burn food. You'll get yourself fired doing that. And being a zookeeper isn't just frolicking around petting furry animals. It's cleaning up after them and dealing with guests and doing training..A lot of these are certainly not accurate job descriptions. Again, sorry, not trying to be rude. I just think that teens and college students reading this shouldn't be fooled into thinking these are easy no-work jobs.

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