49 Pictures of Chimps to Brighten Your Day ...

By Neecey2 Comments

No matter how many stunning photographs of wildlife you see, there is always something special about pictures of chimps. Maybe it is because we see so many human traits in them, or just that generally, they are quite simply, cute. One of the great things about chimpanzees is they seem to love the camera and they're playfulness makes them eminently photogenic. See what I mean with this collection of pictures of chimps.

1 Contemplating

Contemplating Via Bucket List

When I look at pictures of chimps, I like to imagine what they are saying."My Mom said this would taste good but it tastes just like string to me."

Frequently asked questions

2 Monkey Hug

Monkey Hug Via Tech Warm Ups: Warm-Up #25 ...

There are many ways love is expressed in the animal kingdom but only primates hug.

3 Funky Monkey

Funky Monkey Via Jungle boogie! Wildlife photos show ...

Do you think he learnt twerking from Miley?

4 Beauty

Beauty Via monkey and butterfly

I don't know if this is photoshopped or not but instinct tells me not. The positioning of the chimps hands would be too coincidental.

5 Age

Age Via images.search.yahoo.com

"Hey, so I may be getting a bit old, and I may have a few grey whiskers, but I still take a mean photo."

6 Surrogate Mom

Surrogate Mom Via flickr.com

Female chimps have strong mothering instincts.

7 Three's Not a Crowd


"And if I'm going to do it for one, why not do it for two. No skin off my snout."

8 Down Days

Down Days Via Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes Baby Leaning ...

"I don't want to perform every day. A chimp needs his rest
you know."

9 Getting on a Bit

Getting on a Bit Via floridapfe

"I look like this because my dentures don't quite fit properly ^_^ . I still look good though - don't ya think?"

10 Motherhood

Motherhood Via | the Jane Goodall Institute

Baby chimps stay in physical contact with their mothers for a long time. These two beautiful chimps are mom Fanni and baby Fax who live in the Kasakela Chimp Community in Gombe National Park, Tanzania.

11 Safe in Mom's Arms

Safe in Mom's Arms Via One day he'll save the ...

Baby chimps get lots of attention from Mom. Like humans, chimps give birth to single babies (twins are rare) so Mommy Chimp has lots of time to lavish all her love on Baby Chimp for 4-6 years, until another baby comes along.

12 Mother and Child

Mother and Child Via Six month old chimpanzee- Sweetwaters ...

"I'm six months old and I'm not ready to leave the security of mom's bosom yet." This picture was taken in Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary in Kenya.

13 Laughter

Laughter Via Cookies In Bloom Phoenix AZ ...

How precious is this? There are so many pictures of chimps that make you smile from ear to ear

14 Monkey Face

Monkey Face Via Animals

No one could anyone resist taking a photo like this.

15 Just Hanging around

Just Hanging around Via fotocommunity.de

They look a grumpy little pair don't they?

16 Funny Monkey

Funny Monkey Via sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net

"Bet you can't make a face like this!"

17 Bonobo Baby Sambo

Bonobo Baby Sambo Via Adorable Zoo Babies!

c/o Frankfurt Zoo, Germany 2012
Bonobos are one of the two species of the pan genus - the other being chimpanzee. Bonobos are the smaller and were once called the pygmy chimp.

18 Infant Chimp

Infant Chimp Via Schimpansenjunges

This wonderful photo was taken by Frank Getzke.


The infant chimp in the image captures the essence of youthful innocence and curiosity characteristic of our closest animal relatives. With eyes that seem to tell a thousand stories, this little one clings to a sense of safety, likely found in the embrace of its mother. Just like human babies, infant chimps spend a significant portion of their early life learning from their parents and exploring their surroundings with awe. Each wrinkle on their face and gesture they make is a step in their journey of growth, a moment of natural beauty and wonder that Frank Getzke has masterfully frozen in time.

19 Catching Some Zzzs

Catching Some Zzzs Via Sleeping chimp cute animals baby ...

Need a definition of cute? Look above.

20 Windows of the Soul

Windows of the Soul Via 11-1-10

Look into his eyes and you see heart shapes.

21 Fierce

Fierce Via CHIMPANZEE SANCTUARY by Gabi Guiard ...

With so many cute pictures of chimpanzees, it's easy to forget they are wild animals and are ferocious hunters.

22 Feeding Time

Feeding Time Via Maternal Chimpanzee Feeds Baby Tiger

Here a two year old chimpanzee is feeding a baby tiger in a Thailand zoo.

23 Hey, No Tongues, the Vicar's Watching

Hey, No Tongues, the Vicar's Watching Via Tumbili Loves Shangwe at Artis ...

This is from a series of amazing pictures of chimps taken at the Artis Royal Zoo by Dutch photographer A.J. Haverkamp.

24 Wise

Wise Via Beautiful Portraits of Rescued Chimpanzees

I just get the sense his guy has been around and seen and done a lot. This wonderful portrait is the work of Gabi Guiard, a photographer from Barcelona.

25 Having a Swinging Time

Having a Swinging Time Via Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes Juvenile by ...

"I think I'll just hang here until it's time for tea. I might swing a little..."

26 Human-like Gestures

Human-like Gestures Via Wild Life Animals

"No you can't see my nipples!"

27 Bonobo Baby

Bonobo Baby Via all things ada

How can something be ugly and cutely adorable at the same time?

28 Pretty as a Picture

Pretty as a Picture Via Chimps and orangutans may experience ...

I don't like seeing chimps dressed in clothes but some props are just so right.

29 Caught in the Act

Caught in the Act Via Animals pictures I.

"Hey I came to a quiet part of the forest to enjoy this lump of fruit. What are you doing here? I'm not sharing. It's mine. All mine."

30 The Face of Dignity

The Face of Dignity Via Chimpanzee (Chimpansee) Nancy

A magnificent specimen who has a home in Bloemfontein Zoo in South Africa.

31 Hey Baldy

Hey Baldy Via I never realized how built ...

This is the first time I ever saw a hairless chimp.

32 Hey Good Looking

Hey Good Looking Via Stunning Photos... Love!!

Brad Wilson took this picture. He's a handsome devil isn't he? Or maybe it's a beautiful female.

33 I Can't Hear You!

I Can't Hear You! Via squidoo.com

"Shout as loud as you like - I'm not listening. Ner ner ner ner ner."

34 Beautiful

Beautiful Via advocateforsavinganimals.org

"I'm going to grow up to be a supermodel! I'll be better than Gazelle Bundchen and Naomi Campbull and Tiger Banks and Eland MacPherson any day"

35 On Golden Pond

On Golden Pond Via stacks-richard-chimpanzee-with-hat-and-glasses-and-a-pipe - Ifish Photos

Don't you think he looks like Henry Fonda in that movie?

36 Oi!

Oi! Via Baby Chimp Gets a New ...

"What you looking at?"

37 Here's Looking at You Kid!

Here's Looking at You Kid! Via JPG: People: Michael Schellenbach

A handsome resident of Cincinnati Zoo.

38 Hmmm ...

Hmmm ... Via images.sodahead.com

"... I'm not sure about that. Maybe if you give me a banana ..."

39 Mop Top


"Yum my fingers taste real good."

40 Dont You Dare Stick Your Tongue at Me

Dont You Dare Stick Your Tongue at Me Via Animal love

",,, because I can do it better and for longer than you. I have a whole portfolio of funny faces."

41 Well, Hello There Wee Fella

Well, Hello There Wee Fella Via 3 months ;-)

Pictures of baby chimps that are this cute rouse similar emotions as when you see pictures of human babies at the same age (3 months.)

42 Juggling

Juggling Via Funny animals pictures of the ...

"I'm hungry - ok? And I'm too old to make more than one trip."

43 Bonobo Airplanes

Bonobo Airplanes Via In pictures: Bonobos: our endangered ...

Mom and baby enjoying playtime in the Kokolapori Reserve in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Bonobo is only found in an area of the Congo Basin.

44 Carefree

Carefree Via My Sierra Leone

"Yeah, I know my face scrunches up when I sit hunched over like this , but you can still see my big beautiful brown eyes can't you? They're my best feature you know!) This gorgeous creature has a home in the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary in Sierra Leone.

45 Snack Time

Snack Time Via sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net

"I like bananas. Do you like bananas?" "Oh yes, I love bananas."

46 Stomp

Stomp Via The Sun

A baby chimp at a National Park in Tanzania

47 A Rarity

Via No Cookies | Herald Sun

The worlds' first albino chimpanzee was named Pinky by the wardens of her Sierra Leone sanctuary. Not only is she albino but she has one blue eye and one brown eye.,

48 British Chimp

British Chimp Via Monkey See ... Monkey Do

I had to include a British chimp - this cutey lives at Colchester Zoo in England.

49 Friendship

Friendship Via cache.io9.com

"It's our game and you're not invited."

I do hope you saw some pictures of chimpanzees here that brought a smile to your face. Which was your favorite? I like number 13 ‘cos it’s funny, number 43 because it’s so human and number 21 because we should never forget these are wild creatures.

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