When you're bored, it's nice to give your brain a little work out by figuring out short riddles. The questions may be short, but the answers can be quite difficult. If you guess correctly on your first try, continue the fun by quizzing your friends to see which one is able to answer in the shortest amount of time. Here are some of the best short riddles that you should try to figure out:
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. What Goes up and Never Comes down?
"Your age." You may be older than you were in the past, but you're also younger than you'll ever be in the future. This is one of the short riddles that will make you remember how important each moment is, because your age isn't going to stop rising.
2. What Asks, but Never Answers?
"An owl." What noise does an owl make? To our ears, it sounds like, "Who?" They'll spend their entire lives asking the same question, but they'll never give any answers.
3. What Can You Catch, but Not Throw?
"A cold." Unfortunately, you can always get a cold. Even if you're the least athletic person in existence, you can't avoid catching one sooner or later.
4. What Tastes Better than It Smells?
"A tongue." Your tongue's purpose is to taste, isn't it? Smelling is the nose's job.
5. What Building Has the Most Stories?
"A library." If you thought we were talking about how many floors a building has, a library wouldn't be your first guess. But libraries are filled with hundreds of books and hundreds of stories worth reading.
6. What Has a Foot, but No Leg?
"A ruler." A ruler can tell you how many feet in length an object is. Of course, those type of feet aren't connected to any legs.
7. What Am I?
"A question." Riddles often end with this phrase, but it works as a riddle of its own. It's short, simple, and sweet, but it can be difficult to answer.
8. What's Made of Wood, but Can't Be Sawed?
"Sawdust." It's impossible to saw dust, so don't even try. Use your time for something more productive.
9. What's Always Coming, but Never Arrives?
"Tomorrow." Every single day will have a tomorrow. They just never stop coming.
10. What Has Ten Letters and Starts with Gas?
"Automobile." This word is ten letters long and needs fuel to drive. Did it trick you?
11. What is Harder to Catch the Quicker You Run?
"Your breath." Even if you're a track star, you know that it's difficult to breathe after running for a long time. The more you run, the harder it is to catch your breath.
12. What Demands an Answer, but Asks No Question?
"A telephone." A ringing phone has to be answered. That's its only purpose in life.
13. What Runs around the House, but Doesn't Move?
"A fence." Your fence stretches around your entire house, doesn't it? It's so large that it doesn't have to move in order to cover a lot of ground.
Riddles are a fun and simple way to make your brain think. They don't require too much effort, but they can still stump you. What's your favorite riddle in the world? Don't forget to tell us the answer, so that we're not stuck wondering what it is.
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