If you're struggling to get out of bed each morning, there are quotes about cheering yourself up that are helpful to hear. There's no sense in moping around when you could be busy doing something that makes you happy and gets you out of your rut. Never settle for misery; Strive for elation. Here are some of the silliest quotes about cheering yourself up that will get you smiling again:
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1. Love the Little Things
Don't underestimate the importance of fine cooking. If you love cookies, brownies, or cupcakes, go eat some! This is one of the best quotes about cheering yourself up, because it's a reminder that the little things are what make us the happiest. You don't need to get a promotion or win a radio contest in order to feel happy again. Sometimes, all it takes is a little frosting.
2. Caring Cells
Even if you feel like all of your friends, family members, and pets have abandoned you, remember that your body is made of billions of cells. They're all trying to take good care of you and need you to live. So never feel like you're alone, because you'll always have them on your side.
3. Wonderful Warmth
Pretending to be happy can help you make it through the day, but it doesn't change the pain you feel inside. You need to find something that makes you truly happy so you can feel the effects of it. You're the only one who will really benefit from your own happiness, so do yourself a favor and listen to your favorite song or watch your favorite movie to get in a better mood.
4. Imperfect past
If you want to cheer yourself up, think about all of the awful situations you were in in the past. Now aren't you happy that you've moved past those days? Be thankful that you're no longer friends with the girl who made fun of your One Direction obsession and that you broke up with the boy who didn't realize how special you really are.
5. Money Matters
Money isn't the most important thing in the world, but it can certainly help you out when you're in a jam. If you're sad and have some extra cash to spend, treat yourself to a manicure or a movie. You're not a bad person for enjoying material items. Go buy yourself something nice.
6. Learn to Laugh
If you become angry whenever you're met with a small inconvenience, you're not going to live a very happy life. You have to learn to laugh about yourself and your situation if you want to feel less stressed. Maybe the laughter will help you see that things really aren't as bad as you thought they were. Try it sometime.
7. Stop Being Sad
Everyone knows that Barney Stinson gives the best advice around. The next time you're sad, just stop yourself from being sad by remembering how amazing you are. It sounds like a ridiculous concept, but it really can work. Having high confidence is magical.
When you're in a bad mood, never be afraid to talk to someone. If you don't have anyone at home, there are plenty of forums to type in and phone numbers to call for help. How do you usually cheer yourself up when you're feeling down?
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