The Harsh Truths of Being an Insomniac for Girls Who Just Want Sleep Again ...


The Harsh Truths of Being an Insomniac for Girls Who Just Want Sleep Again ...
The Harsh Truths of Being an Insomniac for Girls Who Just Want Sleep Again ...

Insomnia is horrible. They say no one ever died because of insomnia, but to paraphrase Stephen King, that's not true at all, they just usually end up calling it something else. My insomnia is situational and has never gotten so bad that I feel like I'm going nuts, for which I'm profoundly grateful, but not every insomniac is so lucky. No matter how bad you have it, everyone who suffers from insomnia has a few things in common. If F. Scott Fitzgerald was right and it's always three o'clock in the morning in the real dark night of the soul, we insomniacs are well-acquainted with that particular area.

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Every Single Day, You Feel like You're Guest Starring on “the Walking Dead”

Every Single Day, You Feel like You're Guest Starring on “the Walking Dead” Like one of the zombies, though, so there's not even the potential bright spot of having sweaty sex with Darryl.


Even when You're Dead Tired, You Just Toss and Turn

Even when You're Dead Tired, You Just Toss and Turn Maybe your mind won't shut down, maybe you can't stop fidgeting, maybe you're agonizing over every mean thing anyone ever said to you when you were in grade school almost thirty years ago. Whatever.


You Become an Expert at Doing Math in Your Head

You Become an Expert at Doing Math in Your Head Because with every passing second, you're constantly calculating how much sleep you'll get if you nod off right this second – calculating down to the minute.


But then the Math Keeps You up

But then the Math Keeps You up Because you start mourning all the lost minutes you haven't been sleeping.


You Become a Petri Dish for Regret

person, Specifically, you regret every all-nighter you ever pulled and every nap you never took, not to mention every ounce of caffeine you've ever put into your system.

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On the Rare Occasions, You Nod off, You Never Hit REM Sleep

On the Rare Occasions, You Nod off, You Never Hit REM Sleep So you're left with that feeling that you didn't sleep at all even though you know you did, and the world just stops making sense.


You Become Irrationally Angry at Anyone Who Sleeps Well

You Become Irrationally Angry at Anyone Who Sleeps Well This includes your pets and your partner. You begrudge your dog for sleeping 18 hours a day.


You Survive Working on Little to No Sleep Surprisingly Well

You Survive Working on Little to No Sleep Surprisingly Well Sure, your short-term memory is like Swiss cheese, but whatever, you get that ish done. You just … don't necessarily remember doing any of it.


Some Days, the Thought of Walking around Makes You Want to Die

Some Days, the Thought of Walking around Makes You Want to Die You literally just do not want to move or bathe or even breathe because you are just too tired.


You Constantly Look like You Went Ten Rounds with a Heavyweight

You Constantly Look like You Went Ten Rounds with a Heavyweight Because of the dark circles around your eyes, you know.


You Waste All Your Money on Concealer and under-eye Treatments

You Waste All Your Money on Concealer and under-eye Treatments Because of the dark circles around your eyes, you know.


You Spend Way Too Much Time Chugging Energy Drinks

You Spend Way Too Much Time Chugging Energy Drinks You know you'll regret every single can during all those endless nights, but you need the energy drinks. You neeeeeeed them.


Everybody Always Asks if You're Okay or Sick or Dying

Everybody Always Asks if You're Okay or Sick or Dying You now get your kicks by coming up with ever more inventive ways to explain why you look like a TWD extra.


You Collect an Impressive List of Insomnia Cures

You Collect an Impressive List of Insomnia Cures Everyone has a foolproof home remedy. None of them work.


You Cry

You Cry You cry a lot. You cry when you're sad, when you're angry, when you're frustrated, and when you're hungry. Mostly, though, you're just crying because you're tired.


People Start to Think You Should Be More Productive than You Are

People Start to Think You Should Be More Productive than You Are You know. Because you have all that extra time on your hands.


But You Are so Talented at Binge Watching

But You Are so Talented at Binge Watching SO TALENTED.

Relate or nah?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Well insomnia can get serious sometimes. All those who go through this please seek medical advice.

Apparently my brain missed the memo, I'm terrible at math :P

Going thru .....I really wish there was something that cud help us insomniacs

Well if this is relatable, then help may be needed.

My life

I have insomnia and tire myaelf everyday by exercise in the hope that my mind switches off sometimes it helps sometime doesn't and top of it my hubby doesn't understand compel felty

I can relate. I am currently going through this. I tried everything..listening to crystals, jazz, water you name it. So I just prayed and asked for sleep. Now it comes least expected. Im thankful and I enjoy it..sleep that is👌😘

I've been having insomnia for the last 5 years since my sons birth ...I exercise everyday for 1-2 hours in the hope that I'll be able to sleep but nothing helping so far ....reading messages here proves me that what I'm going thru so many others are also g

Having insomnia as a bipolar suffering woman is horrendous but for me what is worse is a physician who wants to experiment with prescriptions. I'm blessed to have a no-so depressing case of being bipolar. 98% of my life is happy but when trying to make me sleep; I went through insomnia worse than ever and serious depression. I finally went off all of their stupid meds and after six weeks I'm beginning to be my "happy bipolar insomniac self". I've learned over the years to use my insomnia to create art during these times. I hope this will help someone. (PS yes I life with a fiancé who retires @ 7:30 pm and arises @ 3:30 am. My best nights I sleep 3-5 hours. Believe me acceptance is the key. Just because someone tells us it's a problem doesn't mean we need to make it one. Please think about what I've said, if one will accept each stage of life, it makes for a happier life. No one will ever accept this about our life; it is a ride for certain but as long as you accept you, I know you'll relax and feel better. Good luck. Love yourself and your life...😎

Literally me. Right now.

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