15 Simple Ways to Look like You've Got It Together when You Really Don't ...


Don't feel bad if you feel like your life is falling apart. No one feels like they have it together, so you're not alone. Of course, if you want to impress your peers or your parents when they come over for a visit, there are a few simple things you can do to look like a responsible adult.

Start by offering them tea and keeping your plants alive to show them that you're capable of acting like a caretaker. If you want some more tips, here's how to trick people into thinking you have your life together:
What other tips do you have for looking like you have your life together?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

WTF is this?

The swearing is over-the-top. I couldn't even finish reading the article.


But for the vulgar words, this was not a bad article. Too bad your mouth is dirtier than the toilet.

This isn't even clear

I can't read it, it's too small

Where are the 15 hints? This is terrible

Didnt even finish reading this.

Girls, enlarge the post at the very top, on the right hand corner.. zoom in slightly and bobs ur uncle !

This is the worst article I have read and I agree you don't need swear words to get your point across.

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