13 Fun Ideas for Snapchat Pics when You're Bored ...

By Holly11 Comments

When you can't think of any more cute or silly poses to make, you'll need fresh ideas for snapchat photos. It's become one of the most popular apps, because people love snapping pictures of their life and showing them to others. If you're addicted to the app, then you'll be able to put these ideas for snapchat photos to good use. You'll make your pals laugh, and have fun doing it!

1 Draw Something

If your life is too boring to capture, then make it more interesting by drawing on some special effects. You can make anything more interesting with a little artistic effort. This is one of the fun ideas for snapchat photos that will make your friends smile. Even if you're horrible at drawing, give it a try. You won't be the next Picasso, but you'll make someone laugh.

2 Sing Song Lyrics

It's always the right time to burst into song, so why not add some lyrics to your snapchat photos? You don't even need to take an interesting picture if you pick some silly lyrics. There are so many songs out there, so you're sure to find something that perfectly fits your mood.


Whether you're feeling deep and introspective or just want to share vibes from the latest pop anthem, your snaps can become an expressive canvas for your musical taste. And if you're feeling daring, pair your lyric with a dramatic selfie or a moody landscape. It's all about creating that perfect snippet of life that your friends can't help but stop and read. So go ahead, let your snaps sing your state of mind! Who knows, you might just start a snap karaoke trend among your circle.

3 Master the Mundane

You can turn something boring into something hysterical with the right dialogue. All you have to do is use your clever mind. With a little bit of thinking, you'll come up with something perfect.

4 All These [blank] and You Still [blank]

Lately, there have been a bunch of people who have been using the forumla of "All this [blank] and you still [blank]." Some of the best examples are, "All these right turns and you still left," and "All this water and you're still thirsty."

5 Fun with a Pun

If you enjoy puns, why not include them in your photos? Making plays on words can be difficult, but your BFF will appreciate your humor. If for some reason she doesn't, then send it to another friend. Someone will laugh eventually.

6 Play with Your Pets

If you don't think your friends will find your life interesting, they'll at least find your pet's life interesting. It's always nice to get a picture of a cute puppy or bunny. They're always doing the cutest, silliest things, so they're the perfect model for your photos.

7 See the Sky

Take a beautiful picture of scenery, but add a caption that is utterly ridiculous. The contrast is sure to make your friends laugh, because they won't be expecting what you have to say.

8 Use Stock Photos

Looking at famous pieces of artwork or boring photos in your math textbook can be a fun activity. You can create a caption in order to turn something normal into something substantial. Just snap a picture of it and type the first funny thing that comes into your head.

9 Better Your Books

Put a spin on your favorite books and movies by changing the title. All you have to do is take a photo, scribble out the actual name, and write new words over the original title.

10 The Ugly Face

This is the classic snapchat game! My friends and I are constantly seeing who can send the ugliest selfies. If you're in a public place it's even more fun!

11 Fun with Emojis

Snapchat has just added the ability to add emojis to your pictures and it's hilarious! Putting the poop emoji on your friends heads can now be your newest past time. Try to get creative with it!

12 Characters

Make yourself into some characters! It takes a while to do if you want it look good, but it's totally worth the time it takes! I have a friend that's really great at this, it makes me wish I could save them all.

13 Disney

Look for funny stills of Disney movies and come up with silly captions. You'll probably have to be watching the movie for it to work, but that just means it's a double win because you get to watch Disney movies.

You don't have to stop snapping photos when you run out of cute ways to smile at the camera. If you look hard enough, you'll find something perfect to send to your friends, even if it doesn't include your pretty face. What snapchat are you most proud of sending?

This article was written in collaboration with editor Lydia Sheehan.

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