9 Funny Replies for when the Teacher Calls on You ...


9 Funny Replies for when the Teacher Calls on You ...
9 Funny Replies for when the Teacher Calls on You ...

Don't you hate when the teacher calls on you when you don't know the answer? Not only is it embarrassing, but it can make you feel like you're not as smart as everyone else in the room. It's a crummy feeling that can make you dread coming back to school the next day. In order to avoid that sinking feeling, here are a few funny replies that you can use the next time that the teacher calls on you and you have no idea how to answer the question:

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Don't You Already Know?

Why is the teacher even asking you a question if she already knows the answer? It's pretty pretentious of her. She should just give the answer herself if she's as smart as she claims she is.


I Have Bigger Problems to Worry about

Don't feel bad about not knowing the answer to a silly math question. If your teacher asks you why you're unable to figure it out, just tell her that you have bigger problems in life. Math is at the bottom of your list.

Frequently asked questions

Go for a playful, 'Just a warning, I might vanish in an hour, but for now, count me in!'. It's like a mini-magic trick, minus the disappearing act!

Switch it up with something goofy like, 'Yoohoo, over here!' or 'Present and ready to party!' Your classmates will love it!

Keep it light and try, 'I'm as here as I'll ever be!' Your teacher's bound to appreciate your humor without you crossing the line.

Try booming out 'Reporting for duty, Captain!' It'll give everyone a good chuckle, including the teacher!

Whip out a classic like, 'I'm not just present; I'm a gift to this class!' It never gets old!


I'm More Concerned with Why You Wore That Outfit

If your teacher asks you for the answer to a question, tell her that the bigger question is why she decided to wear those tacky shoes. Fashion may not be as important as intelligence, but it's still a big deal.


That's Not My Name

When the teacher calls your name and waits for an answer, just stare at her. Once things become awkward, you can tell her that the name she just called isn't your name. If it's still the first few weeks of classes, then she might think that she actually made a mistake and will check the seating chart. Of course, once she realizes it's actually you, she won't be all that pleased. But it will buy you some time to think of the right answer.


Hold on. Let Me Ask Siri

You're always going to have your phone on you, so what's the difference if you're the one giving the answer or if Siri is? You two are one in the same.

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I Don't Bother to Learn Things I'll Never Use in Life

If you really want to annoy your teacher, this is the line you should use. You've probably heard a student ask a teacher when they're going to use certain material later on in life. The answer is "never," but no teacher is willing to admit that, or they'd be out of a job.


Please Leave a Message after the Beep

When you're called on, you should just repeat the answering machine message that's on your phone. Make sure to give a long "beeeep" once you're finished talking.


I Plead the Fifth

If criminals can refuse to answer a judge, then it should be okay for students to refuse to answer their teachers. After all, it's a free country.


I Can't Answer That without a Lawyer Present

This is another line that goes along with the former one. If you aren't sure how to answer a question, then you don't actually have to guess what the right answer is. You can just force the teacher to ask someone else.

Obviously, these things will get you in trouble, which is why you should probably only say them in your head. What's the funniest thing you've ever heard a student say to a teacher?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Come on. I mean yeah it was kinda rude but it still made me laugh

Silly subject, impoliteness is never fun

Better still, don't go to school at all. Why waste ur time when u don't study to be ready to answer questions, very rude article btw

So pleading to the fifth every day from now on

Okay guys this my exactly what you would say. I'm pretty sure the writer of this was just joking. Yes, if you said this too a teacher it would be rude. But it's just a joke and something funny to daydream about. Geez stop making it a big deal.

Wow. These comments are really rude. I think she was just being funny as she posted in the "funny" column. Also, the end says they'll get you in trouble, say them in your head. My goodness. It was a good, FUNNY, don't say them for real but in your head article Holly.

This are rude answers to a person who tries to teach us something

VERY RUDE AND UNCALLED FOR! Some people actually read this blog for serious advice! If you haven't anything PRODUCTIVE to add to a conversation or a discussion, smart ass answers are probably best kept to yourself!

Lol #4 is so stupid

This is a great for a student to get in trouble esp depending their age! Not good advice. Unless the class is having a comedy night then the student can answer like this

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