71 Funny Signs to Make You Chuckle and Scratch Your Head ...

By Neecey21 Comments

I love to see funny signs. Whether by design or because of a spelling mistake or type, a funny sign can always raise a smile. And some funny signs are simply disturbing! Here's a mixture of funny signs resulting from fails, errors, sharp-wittedness and clever word play.

1 No Soliciting

No SolicitingThere are lots of funny signs about unsolicited visitors. Or in more simple terms - Go Away!

Frequently asked questions

2 Talking

Someone obviously believes conversation is a dying art.

3 Outdoor Humour

I'll have me one of those!

4 Low Aspirations

There's hope for everybody - apparently

5 Sisters

Well that's one way to describe the bonds of sisterhood.

6 Vegetarians

A witty meat lover's view of vegetarianism.

7 More Wine

Now that's a life philosophy I can get to grips with.

8 Beware the Crocodiles

I'm not sure which is more disturbing: Runaway wheelchairs? Crocodiles? Or that they should both be together on an urban street?

9 Body Conscious

Bare your lumpy bits confidently!

10 Women Rule

We know behind every good man is a great woman.

11 Choices

Just think - how many great writers were known for their love of the drink?

12 Health Warning

Well that sure gets the message across. N'est-ce pas?

13 Mean

And they wonder why there's road rage?

14 Free Pot

Pothead Heaven!

15 Trees

Hmm - stating the obvious? Why? Who would need to be told that? Get out of the way - there's a tree coming!

16 Drowning

Is it just me or does that sign really mean alien creature emerges from Cocoon

17 Avon Calling


18 Diet Advice

We know fast food is bad for us - why hide it! Shout it loud, shout it proud.

19 Alligators

I wonder if it works for all males species?

20 Anger ManagemenT

Time to review the lesson plan as something clearly isn't working.

21 Nature Lover

That's the kind of definition of nature lover I can relate to.

22 Road Safety

Tell it like it is!

23 Chocolate

Who can't relate to this?

24 Chinese Food

Has someone been outstaying their welcome?

25 Rude Food

Is this a diner for men only? Eww!

26 The MEaning of Life

We're all as confused as each other

27 Salesmanship

These guys could sell snow to the Eskimos

28 Hiring Now

I wonder who has the qualifications to work here?

29 The Impossible

How to create confusion 101.

30 Stereotypes

The power of one!

31 Forgiveness

Just one more reason to find it in your heart to forgive.

32 Bargain

This store won' be beaten on price!

33 Farmville

This sign writer keeps up with the times!

34 Queen Bee

We know who wears the trousers in this household

35 Shopping

That just about sums it up.

36 Pay Attenion

Will they even take their eyes off the screen long enough to notice the sign?

37 Burger Love

Well that's a ringing endorsement isn't it. Can't wait to eat here.

38 Beware

Don't let the organic brigade see the slow kids! They'll be serving them up at the farmers market.

39 Unfortunate

Erm - chicken poopers anyone?

40 Family

I'm sure there's plenty of you who can relate to this.

41 Warning

No, this is not a warning to behave at the zoo. It's a sign in a shop selling a new range of wildlife furniture - turtle stools!

42 Trash

How many kinds of trash are there?

43 Shooting

I think the local gunmen took umbrage at this sign.

44 Street

When is a street not a street?

45 Movie News

The unfortunate juxtaposition of words never fails to amuse.

46 Towed

Free toad anyone?

47 Cake

Ok! Sounds ... delighful!

48 Safety Improvements

Well that's encouraging - not!

49 Trespassing

Someone has failed to understand the meaning of trespassing. Big time!

50 Seafood

Lost in translation

51 Apology

I'm sure Connecticut has plenty of other attributes to commend it.

52 Pool Sign

The way every pool should be

53 Goats

Only in Scotland!

54 Push!

Even OBGYNs have a sense of humor!

55 Gas

Is this laughing gas?

56 Directions

I have absolutely no idea - all suggestions welcomed!

57 Secondhand Cows

Are used cows not as good as new cows then?

58 Nude Bathing

Check the bottom sign.

59 Vegan Cows

Now that is one witty butcher!

60 Rest Rooms

Toilets for sexually confused people?

61 Dragons

Security for Gringotts is branching out. Anyone got a sorceror's stone or a horcrux to protect?

62 Graffiti

There's always one isn't there?

63 Gender Issues

I wonder if you have to show the package before you get your free drink?

64 For Sale

In what universe are puppies and weapons retail bedfellows?

65 Truism

Sometimes... signs speak the simple truth.

66 Brains

I know a few people who could do with some cut-price brains.

67 Hispanic Food

I love Hispanics but I couldn't eat a whole one!

68 Church

God always speaks the truth.

69 Don't Feed the Animals

Animals can't read!

70 Philosophy

It always comes back to cats!

71 Healthy Eating

They say vinegar will stop pregnancy! What if you only sprinkle it on your fries?

What are the funniest funny signs you've seen? Any in your hometown?

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