These Comics Will Make You Spit Coffee out Your Nose ...


I first saw Gemma Correll's comics on a feminist blog, and fell even more in love with her quirky humor when I started following her on Instagram. She's made me smile, giggle, and laugh so hard I've spit coffee out my nose. Here are a few of her funniest comics — let's see if she can make you laugh, too!

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1. Fashions Men Hate

Fashions Men Hate


Sure, we all giggle when our latest wardrobe choices leave the guys scratching their heads in bewilderment. But isn't there something deliciously mischievous about stepping out in an outfit that screams you, even if it elicits a collective “huh?” from the opposite sex? Let's face it—high-waisted jeans may not be every man’s cup of tea, but pairing them with that confident strut? Absolutely unbeatable. So, ladies, next time you slip into that bold, shoulder-padded blazer, just remember: you're not just making a fashion statement, you're practically a superhero in stylish disguise. Cape not included.

2. Anatomy of a Pug

Anatomy of a Pug


The illustration captures the quintessence of pug life with its whimsically detailed depiction of the little pooch's features. From the big, soulful eyes that seem to constantly plead for snacks to the adorably curled tail that wags with pure joy, pugs are the epitome of canine charm. Their short, stubby legs may not be built for marathons, but they sure are perfect for brisk walks and sudden, albeit brief, bursts of energy known as the infamous 'pug zoomies'. Let's not forget the wrinkled brow that conveys an almost human-like expressiveness; it's a pug's world, and we're just living in it!

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3. Drive Him Crazy in Bed

Drive Him Crazy in Bed

4. Valentine's Day Cards

Valentine's Day Cards

5. Blurred Lines

Blurred Lines

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6. Non-Stirring Mouse

Non-Stirring Mouse

7. Anxie-Trees



Ever had those moments when your brain decides to plant worries right before bedtime? That's the essence of Anxie-Trees, which depicts the sometimes comical reality of overthinking just when you want to relax. Picture this: a charming, quirky illustration where your bed sprouts a worry-tree, with branches heavy with the fruits of tomorrow's potential catastrophes. You'll find yourself both laughing and nodding along because, quite frankly, who hasn't been there? It captures that midnight mental marathon with a wit that's as sharp as it is soothing—reminding us that we're not alone in our nightly mind races.



9. Hell is...

Hell is...


...depicted as an ironically humorous twist on the traditional fiery abyss. In this particular comic panel, we see an unexpected scenario that might momentarily pause your morning coffee sipping, inducing a snort or a chuckle. It wouldn't be surprising if the punchline involved a character encountering a fate more tedious than torturous, like eternally folding a fitted sheet or finding that their phone charger is just out of reach—relatable agonies that give 'eternal damnation' a whole new, yet amusingly mundane, meaning.

10. My Favorite Artist

My Favorite Artist

11. Mood Rings

Mood Rings


Remember when mood rings were the litmus test of our emotional states? They claimed to reveal the wearer's mood based on body temperature changes, turning various shades of color. If that ring turned a dark, moody blue, you were supposed to be calm and at peace—or was it just really cold outside? And if it was a vibrant shade of amber, you might be feeling a little anxious, or perhaps you just finished a hot cup of coffee! Mood rings: the retro accessory that always adds a dash of mystery and humor to any outfit—and conversation.

12. Tea Quiero

Tea Quiero

13. Birds


14. Snow White

Snow White

15. Disney Princesses

Disney Princesses

16. Fashion?


17. Le Pain

Le Pain

18. Pear-Suit of Happiness

Pear-Suit of Happiness

19. Eye Make-up

Eye Make-up

20. Body Shapes

Body Shapes


Understanding your body shape is the first step to embracing your natural silhouette—whether you're shaped like an hourglass or more of an apple, there's beauty in every curve and angle! Just imagine getting dressed in the morning and your clothes magically complement every contour. Comics about body shapes are not only hilariously relatable but also a great reminder to love the skin you're in. From struggles with skinny jeans to celebrating those voluptuous curves, these panels offer a nudge and a wink to the everyday fashion feats and fiascos we encounter. Keep laughing and loving that body, ladies!

21. Ghost Fashion

Ghost Fashion


The concept of Ghost Fashion may sound straight out of a Halloween runway, but this comic turns it into a whimsical critique of modern style. Imagine throwing on a chic bedsheet ensemble and suddenly you're not out of place, but at the pinnacle of avant-garde! Caught between laughs and a serious nod to the ever-shifting sands of fashion trends, this strip perfectly encapsulates the absurdity we often encounter in our quest to be sartorially "in." It's a trend so exclusive, it's spooky! Keep your eyes peeled for those elusive ghostly boutiques, they're popping up everywhere!

22. Snakes on a Plane Sequels?

Snakes on a Plane Sequels?

23. Avoid These Types of Seafoods!

Avoid These Types of Seafoods!

24. Curses!


25. "Bored" Games?

"Bored" Games?

26. Cat Desserts

Cat Desserts


Prepare yourself for a feline sugar rush that's too cute to handle! These purr-fectly crafted desserts, shaped like our adorable four-legged friends, will have you paw-sing in sheer delight. Feast your eyes on the whimsical designs, from kitty cupcakes with whisker-licking frosting to cookies that look like they've just napped in a sunbeam. Equal parts creative and delectable, these treats are a confectionery tribute to cat lovers everywhere. Don't be surprised if you find yourself meowing for seconds!

27. Palm-Reading



The comic strip hilariously captures the essence of a palm-reading session gone awry. You know the drill: mystical ambience, the promise of unveiling life's deepest secrets, and then bam! The punchline hits when the reader's destiny turns out to be predictably mundane or downright absurd. With a single glance at your hand, the fortune-teller declares a future filled with...unexpected chores or an oddly specific grocery list. The sudden shift from cosmic fate to daily trivialities is sure to elicit a snort-laugh from anyone who’s ever wondered if the lines on their palm held the key to the universe, only to find out they might just lead to the nearest supermarket.

28. Eww!


29. S&M...&M?

S&M...&M? To see more of Gemma's stellar work, follow her on Instagram at @gemmacorrell.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Body shapes and driving him crazy in bed😂😂😂😂

This wasn't funny at all! The more I scrolled the more I frowned. 😒

Ummm... Sorry to be mean but these weren't THAT funny. Some of them made me smile, but most were just eh

Er.. Really?! What a non existent (really rubbish) sense of humour you have if you find any of these lame attempts 'funny' COME ON this is CRAP, CRAP, CRAP! Enough said.

Great fun!! Thanks! :-)

these were absolutely hilarious OMG. esp. body types, eye makeup, driving him crazy in bed, and reimagined disney princesses!

honestly, I didn't find any of these funny. They're a bit corny imo

These are not funny

Nice creative mind. Go on gemma!

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