7 Things We Love about Labradors ...


7 Things We Love about Labradors ...
7 Things We Love about Labradors ...

As an adorer of all creatures canine and the owner of a yellow lab, I wanted to list the things we love about Labradors! I absolutely adore my dog and while I was away from home for about a month visiting my boyfriend, his black Labrador was an absolute comfort to have around to fill the dog-shaped hole in my heart. They are an excellent breed and there are so many things we love about labradors, this sweet, friendly, sporty dog!

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1. Loyal

Loyal One of the things we love about Labradors is their incredible sense of loyalty. While they are friendly to almost anyone and everyone, labs are unfailingly devoted to their families. One time my sister and I had company over, a friend who was playfully pretending to smother my sister with a pillow. My sister jokingly cried out for help, but my dog took the situation seriously, started to aggressively bark, and was more than ready to get involved if my sister was in actual danger. My dog, Twinkie, calmed down once we showed her that everything was alright, but it was comforting to know that if I was ever in trouble, she'd be ready to come to my rescue!

2. Loving

Loving Labradors are so loving and more than tolerant of being smothered by their owners. My large, six-year-old lab loves climbing into my lap (she thinks that she is still a puppy). She showers me in kisses and often enjoys to cuddle. One of her favorite spots to lay down is on my bed, which is beneath a window (providing the perfect combination of comfort and squirrel-entertainment). I love when she scrambles up onto the bed and plops down beside me. Petting her and laying with her is so relaxing!

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3. Enthusiastic

Enthusiastic Labradors are a really fun breed to own if you want a dog who is energetic and enthusiastic! Labs love to play and are always ready for a fun game. My dog loves to be chased around the house while holding a toy in her mouth. She runs so whole-heartedly and it's more adorable than anything! Whenever she gets excited, she spins in circles and an unmistakable smile breaks out over her cute little face. Spending time with a lab is a surefire way to put you in a good and energized mood!

4. Patient

Patient Despite being high-energy, Labradors are surprisingly patient. They are not easily frustrated and never hold grudges. This tolerant and unconditional nature make it impossible to not fall head over heels for labs. My dog is so patient when she is waiting for food or waiting to be let in the house after going outside. She never howls at the door, but always gently jumps up hoping that someone will see her. Even in rare instances that she has accidentally been left outside for hours, she is always more than happy to see whoever finally lets her in.

5. Funny

Funny Labradors are the most adorable little clowns and it's impossible to not smile or laugh around them! My dog loves being silly and one of my favorite things is when she lies down on her back, and for no observable reason, rolls around on the floor. Meanwhile she also snorts and makes sounds that are similar to Chewbacca, causing my family to label this action as "The Wookiee." What I find even funnier about a Labrador's goofiness is how unaware and innocent they are of their own silliness! Even if you don't have a Labrador or a dog, search up funny dog videos on the internet. Your heart will surely be melted and you will undoubtedly crack a smile!

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6. Gentle

Gentle Even though Labradors come off as rambunctious and out-of-control, they are undeniably gentle. My boyfriend's dog, Dante, is a black lab and he loves to play a game where my boyfriend moves his feet really fast on the ground while Dante chases them. He told me to try playing with his dog and I was a little nervous, but when Dante put my foot in his mouth, he nibbled on them so gingerly that it tickled! I found it so sweet and remarkable that Dante was being conscious of his own strength and ensuring that he didn't hurt me. This is such a beautiful trait for a dog to have.

7. Hearts of Gold

Hearts of Gold All of the Labrador traits that I've listed above make for dogs with hearts of pure gold. They are always ready to please others. Sometimes I think about how sweet it is that my dog never holds a grudge against me and loves me unconditionally. Even if I yell at her for eating the trash or making off with one of my socks, seconds later she is happily by my side licking my face. It's such a comfort knowing that my doggy is always there for me at the end of the day!

What other kinds of dogs do you love? If you have a Labrador, does yours exhibit these same traits? Please put your thoughts in the comments!

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Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

omg!!!! I am so happy to see this article ..loved especially the description that they are more than ready to take charge of a situation when they think you are in trouble.There are two things I want to add super possessive and attention seekers.

I too have a labordor, she has been with us 13 years, exhibits loyalty, warmth, playfulness and does not realize her strength, but very gentle as well. I can even put my feet and hand, play with her teeth, we've played like that since she was two. I love Carla and she loves us.

I just got my lab a few weeks ago and just love him!!! I am looking forward to a long and happy life together!! LabsRock!!

My Doggy is not a #Lab, but she acts like one at times. She has protected me from a German Shepherd before so I know she will always protect me if need be. She is a Shelter Rescue we got back in 2009 on her last day at the shelter. At the time I was suffering a deep Depression due to a Tragedy that had happened in my family.  Her name is Princess Pepper Pud Paws. She is my ESA.  She is my best friend, my confidante, my encourager,my strength when I feel weak (Next to God).  Pepper has seen me through some of my worst physical pain and never left my side. Jokingly we call her "Dr. Pepper".  I must mention that she is Border Collie, Springer Spaniel, Chihuahua, and Dachshund :o).

when i was a kid, the first dog i remember was a lab. i used to spend hours lying on the deck outside with him, he was such a gentle thing! The one thing i know about labs is how much they eat, they're eating machines haha 😅

Oh, you hit that dead-on about Labs! I have an 11-year old chocolate Lab and he is the greatest joy in my life. Everything you said is perfectly true...they have been voted the #1 dog to own for the past 12 years or so by the American Kennel Club and for good reason!!!

I have 2 Labs and I love them more than words can say. To Midnight Rose, I also have 4 cats and they get along fine. I got both my Labs as puppies though.

I have a two year old weimaraner. While she is absolutely insane and always in trouble, she's loyal, smart, friendly, silly, etc. My neighbour owns two chocolate labs and her son own one. I used to walk all three but now I walk my dog with her two since her son's stays with him. They're both such amazing breeds.

I thought my golden Labrador was the only dog to snort.. normally if he doesn't like something going on or said to him!!! he's also extremely patient with my 2 cats :-) and also children

how are Labs like with cats? My two cats are really missing their late dog brother but I haven't got the heart to get the same breed again (it would be like replacing him)

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