We love our boyfriends, but we're not always completely honest with them. We don't mean to lie, but it occasionally happens without us even realizing it. We don't mean any harm--we're just expressing ourselves in the only way we know how. Here are a few things that we commonly tell our boyfriends and what they actually mean:
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1. Five More Minutes
Maybe we're telling him that we're only going to stay in bed for five more minutes. Maybe we're telling him that we only need five more minutes to get ready. Either way, it'll definitely be longer than that. He should realize that five minutes doesn't actually mean the amount of time that a clock says. It's just a phrase.
2. He's Funny
When we meet his hot friend, we don't want to come right out and tell him that we find the guy attractive. I mean, that would be rude and could cause unnecessary insecurity. So when our boyfriend asks what we think of his BFF, we'll say that he's funny. It'll show that we like the guy, but won't clue him into how attractive we find him.
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3. You're Better
Even if you never bring up his ex-girlfriend, he's eventually going to mention your exes. He'll want to know who was the best kisser and who made you the happiest. Of course, you're required to say that your current boyfriend is the best that there ever was. It doesn't matter if it's a lie. It's the only acceptable answer, so there's no way for him to tell if it's the truth.
4. You Don't Have to
When our birthday rolls around, we'll tell him that he doesn't need to bother to get us a gift. However, if the day comes and he doesn't even have a card for you, you'll be pissed. You only told him that he didn't need to buy a present so that he wouldn't feel obligated to get you one--you wanted him to do it because he WANTED to do it.
5. You Can Pick
When we let him pick a movie to watch, we don't actually want him to pick what he wants. If he did, we'd be stuck watching something we hated. What we want him to do is pick something he wants to watch that we'd also want to watch. He's supposed to be thinking about both of you, not just himself.
6. I'm Fine
By now, even the men know that this phrase isn't quite true. When we say we're fine, we're actually not. We might not feel like talking about why we're upset, or we might just want him to figure it out on his own. Either way, it's not a good thing to hear.
7. I Love Her Hair
Sometimes, this means exactly what it sounds like. However, sometimes we'll compliment a girl that we don't like in order to seem less jealous than we actually are. At other times, we'll say it to see how you respond to her beauty. It all depends on what mood we're in.
Your boyfriend is just as guilty as you are when it comes to saying things that you don't really mean, so don't feel bad about it. It's just something that people do. Have you said any of these things to your boyfriend lately?
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