There are classy sounding medieval words that you can slip into conversations in order to sound intelligent. Even if the person you're speaking with has never heard them used before, they should be able to easily figure out their definitions. They aren't that difficult to understand, which is what makes them so useful. There's no reason to confine yourself to using the words you grew up using when there are so many interesting medieval words that can replace them. Here are some of the most useful ones:
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1. Prithee
Prithee means "please." You can use it the next time that you tell someone bad news. Start out by saying, "Prithee, don't be mad at me," and if you're lucky, they'll be too impressed by your mature attitude to stay angry. It's one of the benefits of learning medieval words that fit perfectly into everyday conversations.
2. Perchance
Perchance means "perhaps." Use it when you're casually suggesting an idea to someone. If you're trying to come up with plans for your birthday, tell your parents, "We should go see a concert, perchance One Direction."
3. Anon
Anon means "later on." If you're going out to eat with your friend after your classes end, tell her that you'll meet her at McDonalds anon.
4. Mayhap
Mayhap means "maybe." If you're contemplating what haircut to get, you can say, "Mayhap I will shave my head." It's sure to get everyone's attention.
5. Morrow
Morrow simply means "tomorrow." So when you're bidding adieu to your boyfriend, say, "I'll see you in the morrow." It's a good way to shake things up after months of saying "ttyl."
6. Beauteous
Beauteous means "beautiful." Although the words sound similar, the former has a classier ring to it. The next time you compliment someone on their beauty, try using the less common word, and notice their reaction.
7. Aye
Aye means "yes, I understand." Instead of giving a little head nod, use this word to show your comprehension. If you're a fan of the show Lost, you've probably already used it to quote Desmond.
8. Nay
Nay means "no." If you disagree with someone, say, "Nay. I believe otherwise." It's a simple word that can get a huge point across.
9. Gramercy
Gramercy means "thank you." If you want to thank someone for your birthday gifts, send a card saying, "Gramercy, I appreciate it." If the recipient doesn't understand your compliment, they can always use Google.
10. Troth
A troth is "a swear or a promise." If you're dedicated to beating a difficult video game, then you can make a troth that you will finish it within the week. It shows that you mean business.
A troth is a promise or a vow that is made with the utmost sincerity. It is a pledge to do something and is often used in situations where someone wants to show that they are serious and dedicated to a particular task.
The term 'troth' is derived from Old English and is still used in some parts of the world today. It is most commonly used in the context of marriage vows, but can also be used to express commitment to any sort of goal or task.
In the context of video gaming, making a troth is a way to show that you are determined to complete a game within a certain timeframe. It is a way to prove that you are serious about your gaming and will do whatever it takes to achieve your goal.
Making a troth can also be a way to motivate yourself to stay on track. It is a way to remind yourself of your commitment and to stay focused on your goal. It is also a way to show respect for yourself and your gaming skills.
11. Hither
Hither means "here." So when you're calling your dog over to you, and he won't listen, command him to "Come hither." It might not work, but it's worth a shot.
Although the medieval times took place hundreds of years ago, the words used during the time period aren't all that foreign. The majority of them can fit easily into any conversation that you're having in the current day and age. Try tossing some of the words listed above into a text message or gossip session today, and see how your friends react. What's your favorite word that isn't used much anymore?
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