I‘ll admit it, I’m one of those people who likes to dress up their dog in dog costumes. I have three dogs and they all used to dress up for Halloween for a few years, but now that they’re a little older I just enjoy seeing other dogs dress up. Since there are so many funny dog costumes on the internet, I thought I’d look for the funniest and most unique out there. So whether you’re a dog owner or not, these dog costumes you’re going to see are laugh out loud funny!
Snapshot Survey
1. Cha Cha Cha!
Via purecostumes.com
This has got to be one of the best dog costumes ever!
2. Cowardly Lion
Via Tessa the Lion
This dog pulls off the costume so well!
3. Yoda Inspired STAR WARS Hat
Via extra small STAR WARS DOG ...
If he only knew how cute he looked.
4. Superman Dog
Via Doggie Style: Adorable Halloween Costumes ...
I've seen this photo so many times, but it still makes me laugh.
5. Spider Dog
Via Spider Dog Costume - FunSubstance.com
This costume is legit scary! I would be freaked out if I saw this.
6. Sushi Pug
Via Fresh Pug Sushi
Such a fun and creative dog and owner costume!
7. Martini
Via 25 Crazy Pet Costumes That ...
If your dog has to wear the Cone of Shame, might as well make the most of it.
8. Pirate's Booty
Via The perfect costume for a ...
This is another one that gets me giggling when I see it. The unamused face of the dog is the best part.
9. Poncho& Sombrero
Via Pugs-Cinco De Mayo-Poncho-Sombrero For Dogs-Pet ...
If you're a knitter, making this costume is a must!
10. Precious Cargo
Via Dishfunctional Designs: Creatively Cool Halloween ...
I love that the dogs are dressed in suits!
11. Mermaid
Via BuzzFeed
This dog is channeling her inner Ariel.
12. Chewbacca
Via i.imgur.com
This is just too good. Such a great idea!
13. Chihuahua Chia Pet
Via 2011 Halloween Pet Photo Contest ...
14. Marilyn Monroe
Via Happy Birthday Mr. President
"Happy Birthday Mr. President."
15. Bark Vader
Via Bark Vader
"You underestimate the power of the dark side."
16. Chihuahua up Costume
Via Announcing Our New Pets Category ...
Cute and creative!
17. Ewok
Via Furry Brown Dog Halloween Costume/Hood
This is funny and adorable!
18. Leprechaun
Via Daily Awww: Animals in Halloween ...
You've gotta love the arms and the pointy shoes.
19. Oompa Loompa
Via Funny Dog Costumes
Oompa loompa doompadee doo
20. The Little Mermaid
Via Zoey the Chihuahua as Mermaid
Love the seashell bra!
21. Freddy Krueger
Via Freddy Krueger Costume
One, two, Freddy's after you...
22. Pirate
Via Dress Up Time - Page ...
The awkward look on this dog's face just makes it all the better.
23. Greyhound Bus
Via Greyhound Designer Appare Fashion Show ...
What a fitting costume for a Greyhound!
24. Flying Monkey
Via Flying Monkey Costume
I can't get over this one!
25. Star Wars
Via Star Wars Costumes For Dogs
“Size matters not, ... Look at me. Judge me by size, do you?”
26. Diving Dog
Via lolyland.net
This is a very realistic costume. Would your dog wear this?
27. Elvis
Via Animals In Halloween Costumes!
This dog is just too cool. He is The King, after all.
28. The Silence of the Lambs
Via BuzzFeed
"Hello, Clarice."
29. Geisha Dog
Via foundshit.com
The headpiece is like a huge helmet. Poor dog!
30. Udderly Funny
Via Computer Science Jobs
Pretty easy costume, if the dog puts up with it.
31. Pin Cushion
Via It's Howl-o-ween! Dogs dress as ...
This never gets old.
32. Horse
Via World's smallest pony!
33. Batman and Robin
Via Funny animals
The dynamic duo returns.
34. Walrus
Via Walrus
The same face my dogs used to make!
35. Lord of the Pugs
Via 26 Costumes That Prove Pugs ...
Perfect for the LOTR fan!
36. Giraffe
Via cutestpaw.com
This is freaking cute! I love the hood.
37. Construction Worker
Via 13 Tips To Help You ...
I don't know how they got the dog to stand still and pose, but this is just amazing!
38. Teen Wolf
Via 26 Costumes That Prove Pugs ...
How can you resist?
39. Madonna
Via Funny Dog Costume Pictures | ...
Blond Ambition.
40. Headless Horseman
Via Blog - 20 Funny, Creative, ...
Spooky but sweet.
41. Seal
Via DYING | best stuff
I'll leave you with this photo of the cutest seal on dry land.
Which of these hilarious dog costumes did you like best? These dogs deserve tons of belly rubs and treats for putting up with these costumes, don't you think?
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