You don't need to have children, just because you're a woman. Of course, there are some ignorant people who will try to convince you that you really want kids deep down. Since some of us just aren't meant to be mothers, here are a few clever responses that you can use when you're asked why you don't want to have kids:
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1. I Actually like Being Happy
If kids would make you unhappy, why on earth would you become a mother? It makes zero sense.
2. It’s Hard Enough to Take Care of Myself
You can't take care of a kid if you struggle taking care of yourself. You have enough responsibilities already.
3. I Know Santa Doesn’t Exist, and I’m Bad at Keeping Secrets
You have to lie to your children about where babies come from and about how they get their presents on Christmas. It's a lot of fibbing.
4. I’m More of a Dog Person
Some people are dog people or cat people, not baby people. They shouldn't be judged for their preferences.
5. I’d Rather Spend My Money on Beer
Kids cost a lot of cash. If you want to keep partying, then you can't afford to become pregnant.
6. The World is Overpopulated Already
There are millions of people in the world. Why would you create any more?
7. I Prefer R-Rated Movies
After you have a kid, the only movie you'll be watching is Frozen. If you prefer R-rated films, then you're out of luck.
8. I Could Give Birth to the Next Serial Killer
You never know what your baby will be like. He could destroy the world, so you're doing everyone a favor by refusing to give birth.
9. It’s Not That I Don’t Want Kids. I Just Don’t Want to Drive a Minivan
If you have to lug kids around, you need a fitting car. Of course, a two-door sports car looks way nicer than any minivan does.
10. I Want to Keep All the Toys to Myself
If you're a kid at heart, you won't want to give your children your old toys. You'll want to keep them all to yourself.
11. Why Would Anyone Get Pregnant on Purpose?
Some people take birth control and wear condoms to prevent pregnancy. To them, it makes no sense to get pregnant on purpose.
12. I Don’t Want to Be the Person Everyone Hates on Airplanes
Babies always cry on airplanes. It doesn't matter how hard you try to calm them down, because they're going to burst into tears.
13. My Ten Cats Would Be Too Jealous
Your pets are like your babies. You don't need any more mouths to feed.
14. I Don’t Want My Genes Passed on Unless They Merge with Hemsworth
If you had Chris Hemsworth's child, it would be the most beautiful baby in all of the land, so of course you'd want it. Otherwise, you're not interested.
15. I Hate Car Pooling
Don't you hate sharing? If you don't want to share your car, your house, and your food, then there's no reason to pop out a kid.
16. I’m Hoping My Period Will Realize It and Stop Coming
Your period only arrives, because it's preparing you for pregnancy. If it realizes you never want to become pregnant, maybe it will stop coming.
17. I Cry Enough for the Two of Us
Babies cry all the time. If you're already shedding enough tears for two people, why bring a kid into the equation?
Despite what some people will try to tell you, you don't need to have children in order to feel fulfilled. Do you plan on having any kids when you're older?
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