The 17 Best Comebacks for Being Called Lazy ...

Holly May 21, 2024

The 17 Best Comebacks for Being Called Lazy ...
The 17 Best Comebacks for Being Called Lazy ...

Some people will call you lazy, just because you like to lounge around on your days off. Of course, that doesn't make you lazy. It just makes you good at enjoying a vacation. Whether of not you're legitimately lazy, here are a few of the best comebacks to use the next time someone calls you that:

Quiz: Discover Your Comeback Style


How do you usually respond when someone calls you lazy?

1. I’m Too Lazy to Think of a Comeback

I’m Too Lazy to Think of a Comeback You might as well prove their point. If you're lazy, then why on earth would you use up your energy trying to think of a clever response?


This text is in response to someone calling the reader lazy. The article offers 17 comebacks to use when someone calls you lazy, ranging from witty responses to more serious ones. The article also includes a GIF of a person shrugging and the caption "I'm Too Lazy To Think Of A Comeback" as a humorous response to the situation. The article is targeted towards women and is published on a blog in the "Funny" category. It is meant to be lighthearted and entertaining, while also providing useful advice.

2. I’m Not Lazy. I’m Conserving Energy

I’m Not Lazy. I’m Conserving Energy You never know when the zombie apocalypse could strike. If it happens later on in the day, you'll be ready for it.

Frequently asked questions

3. I Don’t like Anything That Requires a Bra

I Don’t like Anything That Requires a Bra I mean really, who likes wearing a bra? They're so confining. It's better to stay home, so that you don't have to wear one.

4. Hard Work Never Killed Anybody, but Why Take That Chance?

Hard Work Never Killed Anybody, but Why Take That Chance? You don't want to be the first person to die from hard work, do you? That would be devastating.

5. Being Lazy is Better than Being You

Being Lazy is Better than Being You If they're going to insult you, you might as well insult them right back. Of course, you can replace "you" with "ugly," "stupid," or whatever other personalized insult you'd like.

6. I Learned from the Best

I Learned from the Best If your parents are the ones calling you lazy, they're being hypocritical. After all, they're the ones who raised you to be whom you are.

7. I’m Training for a Netflix Marathon

I’m Training for a Netflix Marathon Why would you run a 5k when you could have a Netflix marathon, instead? It's a lot easier to train for.

8. I’m Not Lazy when It Comes to Sex

I’m Not Lazy when It Comes to Sex If your crush calls you lazy, use this line. It'll let them know that you're better than they think in the bedroom.

9. I Was Going to do Something Today, but I Didn’t Finish Doing Nothing from Yesterday

I Was Going to do Something Today, but I Didn’t Finish Doing Nothing from Yesterday You have to finish your to-do list from yesterday before you can start on your to-do list for today. It's the responsible thing to do.

10. I’m on Energy-saving Mode

I’m on Energy-saving Mode Computers and cell phones do it, so why can't you? You're just following the crowd.

11. They Say Practice Makes Perfect but Nobody is Perfect so I Dont Practice

They Say Practice Makes Perfect but Nobody is Perfect so I Dont Practice There's no sense in trying to reach an impossible goal. That's why it's better to be lazy.

12. Why Should I Make My Bed when I’m Going to Go Back in It?

Why Should I Make My Bed when I’m Going to Go Back in It? There's no reason to use up your energy cleaning when everything is going to get messy again eventually, right?

13. Lazy Days Are Happy Days

Lazy Days Are Happy Days Aren't you happiest when you're relaxed? Then why should you do anything other than relax?

14. Im Not Lazy. I Just Rest before I Get Tired

Im Not Lazy. I Just Rest before I Get Tired You're going to get tired eventually, so you might as well rest. Then you'll be ahead of the game.

15. I’ll Stop Being Lazy when Netflix Stops Being so Interesting

I’ll Stop Being Lazy when Netflix Stops Being so Interesting It's not our fault that there are dozens of interesting shows and movies that we can watch with the click of a button. Blame Netflix.

16. Lazy People Invented Wheels and Bikes Because They Didnt Feel like Walking

Lazy People Invented Wheels and Bikes Because They Didnt Feel like Walking This is a fact that they won't be able to argue with. Without lazy people, would we even have remote controls?

17. You Call It Lazy. I Call It Selective Participation

You Call It Lazy. I Call It Selective Participation There are some activities you have no interest in doing, so why do them at all?

We're all capable of being lazy every once in a while, so don't worry about it. What other comebacks have you used after being called lazy?

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love these

I'll just admit the straightforward truth, when I'm lazy you do everything and I never have to see you

haha a boy just called me lazy because i was just standing haha i dont mind being called lazy i bet  hes lazy hahaha!

We live in a fast paced world guys! You have to take your time on learning how to become more relaxed! ;-)

y'all really thought yall ate that huh

I don't mind being called lazy. I am lazy.

Haha funny lazy comebacks😂

Then the person who invented teleportation must be the laziest. :p

Haha great comebacks

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