17 Comebacks to Use when Talking to Someone Stupid ...


17 Comebacks to Use when Talking to Someone Stupid ...
17 Comebacks to Use when Talking to Someone Stupid ...

Don't you hate when you get stuck in a conversation with someone who has no idea what they're talking about? It can be incredibly frustrating. Instead of going off on them, all you have to do is give them a good one-liner. If you need some help, here a few comebacks to use when speaking to someone stupid:

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1. Of Course I Sound like an Idiot. How else Would You Understand Me?

person, muscle, screenshot, sense, If you spoke like your usual, intellectual self, then they wouldn't be able to follow what you were saying. You have to dumb it down for them.


Sometimes, it's like trying to explain quantum physics to a toddler. You go out of your way, simplifying everything down to the basics, but they still stare at you like you're speaking a foreign language. It's not that you want to underestimate anyone's intelligence, but let's face it, not everyone is on the same wavelength. So, you play the part of the patient teacher, repeating yourself with a smile, all the while resisting the urge to just shake some sense into the conversation.

2. It’s Scary to Know That People like You Are Allowed to Vote

It’s Scary to Know That People like You Are Allowed to Vote Our country is in their hands. It's a terrifying thought, which is why you need to vote to balance out their vote.

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Ugh, when someone drops a dumb bomb, hit 'em with a classic 'Did you hear that? It was the sound of nobody asking.' It's like a verbal eye-roll, y'know?

Girl, keep it cool and sarcastic. A 'Wow, I'd agree with you but then we'd both be wrong' should do the trick. It's like a polite slap with words - classy but sassy!

Absolutely! Next time try 'I'm not a proctologist, but I know an asshole when I see one.' It's a zinger that's sure to make 'em think twice before being stupid again.

You gotta shut that down fast. Hit them with, 'I'd love to insult you, but I’m afraid I won’t do as well as nature did.' It's a mic-drop moment!

Keep it light but biting with something like 'Are you always this stupid, or are you making a special effort today?' It's a cheeky nudge that says 'do better, buddy.'

3. I’d like to See Things from Your Point of View, but I Can’t Get My Head That Far up My Butt

I’d like to See Things from Your Point of View, but I Can’t Get My Head That Far up My Butt Sometimes, it's pointless to try to see things from another person's point of view.


This zinger is essentially a snarky way of saying that someone's perspective seems so outlandish, you'd have to perform metaphysical acrobatics to even begin to grasp it. It's the perfect shutdown for conversations spiraling into the absurd, where logic is on vacation and reason has taken a permanent holiday. Remember, it's less about yielding the intellectual high ground, and more about saving yourself from a mental gymnastics routine that would make even an Olympic athlete dizzy. Use it sparingly, though, as this verbal eye-roll is as potent as it is sassy.

4. If I Wanted to Hurt Myself, I’d Climb up to Your Ego and Jump down to Your IQ Level

person, senior citizen, profession, If they're really as stupid as this insult insinuates they are, then it'll take them a while to figure out what you've said. They probably won't get angry until long after you've walked away.


This snarky jab is the perfect cocktail of wit and derision, guaranteed to leave a lasting sting. As they're left grappling with the concept, you're already moving on, unscathed by their potential retort. The beauty lies in its silent detonation; by the time the penny drops, you're out of the blast radius. It's not just a burn, it's an intellectual conflagration – a subtle, yet scorching remark that incinerates any semblance of self-esteem they may have had. Use with caution, though – underneath that humor is a barb sharp enough to cut ties.

5. I’m Sorry if I Hurt Your Feelings when I Called You Stupid. I Thought You Already Knew

I’m Sorry if I Hurt Your Feelings when I Called You Stupid. I Thought You Already Knew It's a simple mistake. They can't blame you for it.


This text is an apology from one person to another for calling them stupid. It is a reminder that even in the heat of the moment, we can make mistakes and that it is important to apologize for them. The apology is a reminder that we should all take a step back and think before we speak. This article is a great reminder that no matter how stupid someone seems, it is important to remain respectful and understanding. It is also a reminder that no matter how wrong we think we are, it is important to apologize and take responsibility for our actions.

6. At Least You Don’t Have to Worry about a Zombie Apocalypse

At Least You Don’t Have to Worry about a Zombie Apocalypse After all, a zombie can't eat a brain that doesn't exist.

7. I’d Insult You, but I Won’t do as Well as Nature Did

hair, face, blond, nose, beauty, It's hard to compete with whatever force of nature made them such a complete fool.

8. I Didn’t Say You Were Stupid. I Said You Are Stupid. There’s Nothing past Tense about It

I Didn’t Say You Were Stupid. I Said You Are Stupid. There’s Nothing past Tense about It Unfortunately, stupidity doesn't fade away.


Unfortunately, stupidity doesn't fade away. It's not like a bad haircut that grows out or a pimple that eventually disappears after wreaking havoc on your forehead. No, it's more of a permanent feature, like the shape of your nose or the sound of your laugh. And just like you wouldn't tell someone their laugh is something they used to have, I'm not about to put a past tense on your level of intelligence—or lack thereof. It's very much a present situation, and my comment stands as a current observation, not a fleeting judgment.

9. If I Typed Idiot into Google, Your Picture Would Pop up

If I Typed Idiot into Google, Your Picture Would Pop up This one is a little immature, but it'll get your point across.

10. Why is It Acceptable for You to Be an Idiot but Not for Me to Point It out?

image, screenshot, special effects, This is a reasonable question.

11. Someday You’ll Go Far… and I Hope You Stay There

Someday You’ll Go Far… and I Hope You Stay There You've already wasted enough time with them. You don't need to waste anymore.

12. Stupidity’s Not a Crime, so You’re Free to Go

face, person, beauty, model, photo shoot, Luckily, they can't get arrested for saying stupid things. Otherwise, they'd already be locked up.

13. You’re Not Stupid. You Just Have Bad Luck when Thinking

You’re Not Stupid. You Just Have Bad Luck when Thinking It happens to the best of us.

14. Brains Aren’t Everything. in Your Case, They’re Nothing

Brains Aren’t Everything. in Your Case, They’re Nothing Not everyone is blessed with a big brain like you are.

15. How Much Refund do You Expect on Your Head Now That It’s Empty?

How Much Refund do You Expect on Your Head Now That It’s Empty? They don't deserve to get ripped off like that. They should really call customer service.

16. You Have a Mind like a Steel Trap, Always Closed

You Have a Mind like a Steel Trap, Always Closed Open minds are intelligent minds.

17. I’m Listening. It Just Takes Me a While to Process That Much Stupidity at Once

I’m Listening. It Just Takes Me a While to Process That Much Stupidity at Once It's just as hard for someone intelligent to understand someone stupid as it is for someone stupid to understand someone intelligent.

Now you'll be able to put your friends in their place when they act ignorant. What other amazing comebacks have you heard?

Feedback Junction

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The title is questionable

But..this is so rude

Thats what all the bullies says when they r confronted "ooh its was a joke" when ur playing with someones feeling it csnt b joke we supose to share good stuff for ppl to learn not this !

Suck my hard dick

Guys, it's a joke. Have a sense of humor.

#12 it's true


#1 I love that

I don't mean cruelty but I would call someone an idiot

I just figured these were good responses for someone to use that is being bullyed. I never know what to say to someone that is being mean to me, until after they leave and it's too late! I was bullied all thru high school and even moved because of it, so to me, it was an empowring article.

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