7 Comebacks for when You're Asked if You're on Your Period ...


7 Comebacks for when You're Asked if You're on Your Period ...
7 Comebacks for when You're Asked if You're on Your Period ...

You should have a list of comebacks for when you're asked if you're on your period, because people can be cruel. If you whine about one little thing or shed a single tear, boys will accuse you of having your period. They think "that time of the month" causes you to turn into some crazy creature that they can look down upon. Of course, that's far from the truth, which is why you should use these comebacks for when you're asked if you're on your period:

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1. I Won't Be the Only One Bleeding if You Ask Me That Again

Don't be afraid to get a bit vicious. If someone asks you a rude question, give them a rude response. They won't understand that they said something wrong unless you point it out, which is why this is one of the best comebacks for when you're asked if you're on your period. It shows that you're not one to be messed with.

2. I'd Explain the Menstrual Cycle to You, but I'm Afraid You Don't Know Enough about the Female Anatomy

Men hate to be told that they don't know anything about a woman's body. They like to believe that they're experts on female anatomy, which of course they're not, especially if they're making jokes about your period.

Frequently asked questions

You can always go with a funny comeback like, 'Nope, but you seem like you need a nap!' Or just be straightforward and say, 'That’s a bit personal, don’t you think?' It's all about how you feel comfortable responding.

Honestly, it's probably because they haven't been educated on how these jokes can be hurtful or inappropriate. Sometimes people just need a gentle reminder that menstruation isn't a punchline.

You can show empathy and support by saying something like, 'Do you need anything, like painkillers or chocolate?' Just be kind and understanding, as we all need a little extra care sometimes.

It's totally okay to set boundaries. You can say something like, 'I really don't appreciate those jokes, can we change the subject?' It’s important to stand up for yourself and let others know your comfort zone.

It’s a lazy stereotype that women are overly emotional because of their periods. It can be frustrating, but you can use it as an opportunity to educate them, or just throw a witty comeback their way.

3. Make like an Egg and Expel Yourself from My Vicinity

There's nothing more exhilarating than telling a rude person to leave you alone. Why waste your precious time talking to them? If the conversation started out badly, it'll only get worse as you continue to talk. Do the smart thing and get as far away from them as possible.

4. Yeah, I'm a Woman Now. and You're Obviously Still a Boy

It's childish to make fun of someone's body. It's not your fault that Mother Nature provides you with monthly torture. Men aren't going to ask you about your period, only little boys are, so stay away from the latter.

5. I'm Going to Barf. Not from Cramps, from Talking to You

There's no point in having a conversation with certain people. They'll only make your day worse. The more they talk, the more you want to run to a garbage can to expel your lunch.

6. I Love My Period—I Get to Spend Tons of Time in the Bathroom Reading Awful Things about You on the Stall Walls

Say whatever you can in order to swing his insult right back at him. Whenever a guy comments on your period, the worst thing you can do is appear upset. By using a good comeback and then going on with your day, you'll make him rethink the way he should treat you--and all women, for that matter.

7. You Know That Periods Are Just Things Girls Make up so They Don't Have to Hook up with You, Right?

The best part of being on your period is that it keeps the jerks far away from you. Immature boys think that periods are disgusting, so they'll avoid you during that time of the month. It's one of the benefits of having a period.

Having a period isn't a walk in the park, which is why it shouldn't be made fun of by men. We have enough pain to worry about without dealing with immature boys. Has a guy ever said anything demeaning to you during your time of the month?

Source: Sparknotes.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I love advice no 2. I have used it on my male boss before. LOL!

Alot of funny ones i might have to use some next time i get my girl flu... Or is it shark week

This article is about what to say when someone says 'oooooh, someone's on their period', or something of the sort. Not just about what to say to someone who kindly asks the question, guys. Brilliant article!

Why are guys jerk's

Rach- I used to have that problem too, and mine lasted for 5 years until I got on birth control this year. Your hormones are just wild, like mine! It's nothing harmful. Other factors could be stress, physical activity, diet. :)

We can do without number six. Everything else was fine.

Hate when guys ask you that

Okay so I started my period like 2 years ago at the end of June . And between then and now, I had a total of 3/4 periods. And they weren't even in a pattern, they were random. I keep thinking I'm pregnant, but then I think no way. First, like how and when? I definitely woulda known if I had sex. And second, I still haven't gotten the bump or the weight, I'm the same person. Right? I mean I woulda developed in such time. I wanna know if there's something wrong but I can't really talk to anybody, especially in my family. Me and my mom aren't even close to being close..

What's wrong of being ask if I've got my period? There is nothing offensive, no need to respond that way

My guy friend always says I'm on my period and I just yell.

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